Sunday, November 09, 2008
(Cross-posted at Raising Kaine)Update [2008-11-9 17:1:19 by RenaRF]: A commenter objected to the connotation of "Shock & Awe" in the title. But frankly, I couldn't think of a better title to characterize what went on here in VA. Thankfully,
BobzCat gave me the
perfect title: "Barack & Awe*. Diary titled edited with grateful attribution. :)
I've been planning a diary about what happened in Virginia for the last week. Finally, I have time to sit down and share my stories as well as some interesting analysis.
What happened in Virginia was an electoral version of shock and awe. It was nothing short of spectacular - and I was fortunate enough to witness it and participate in it on the ground for Barack Obama.
More over the fold.
First, many here know that I was very involved on the ground for Webb's Senate victory in 2006, along with other Kossacks. We wrote about it extensively - begged for money, begged for remote phone-bankers, and begged for local ground-level volunteers. We got all of that. This community absolutely responded and was an integral part of Webb's win over the disgusting George Allen, Jr. What people may have forgotten, however, is how very NARROW the margin of victory was for Jim Webb. He won by 0.39%. That's less than one half of one percent. It was close - too close.
So this cycle, building on the idea that nothing motivates quite like success (which we experienced in 2006), many of us got started early for Barack Obama. There were several phases of the ground game and canvass effort here in Virginia, and we were greatly helped by the existence of 50 or more offices across the state. The first two phases started during the primaries and picked up on June when it was clear that Obama would win the Democratic nomination. These were voter identification, where you knock on the doors of voters who affiliation you can't identify in an effort to fully identify lean and strong Obama voters, and voter registration, where you manned tables and/or knocked doors in Democratic areas to ensure registration of your voters. Sometimes, these two activities were done in a single canvass. Sometimes they were functionally separate. The voter ID and registration phases ended in the first week of October, and left the final month of the campaign for concerted get-out-the-vote efforts.
Every weekend that I was in town, I showed up to canvass. I chose, primarily, the Arlington and Alexandria areas, but I was also sent to Loudoun and down to Prince William. So be it. But let me fast-forward and talk specifically about the final, intense push from Saturday November 1 through the final voting on Tuesday November 4.
First - and people don't realize this - from July to poll closing on election day, every Northern Virginia office - in the city, suburbs, and exurbs - was packed. Those of us who had been at the canvass for a while knew that if we were to actually secure a canvass packet, we had to show up fully an hour before the canvass was scheduled to start and lay claim to a packet on the basis of hyper-punctuality. So complete was the volunteer saturation that they literally ran out of walk lists for the number of people who showed up. I saw this consistently throughout the offices where I worked.
Saturday and Sunday were no different. On Saturday, I did a North Arlington canvass and then went out and did a McLean canvass. Now - North Arlington is notoriously Democratic and deep blue regardless of the relative income level of the neighborhood. The canvass was primarily get-out-the-vote, but there was some holdover identification where previous efforts simply hadn't yielded a result. The voters who I spoke to in North Arlington were almost exclusively Obama voters and were vocally committed to waiting as long as it would take to vote on election day. The McLean canvass was weirder. I was in a high high dollar neighborhood. I'd say the homes in this particular area were in the neighborhood of $2M-$3M. So large were these lots that I literally had to drive to each house on the list. I didn't get a lot of people home - only four of the houses on my list had someone who answered the door. One voter - a 27 year old man - was definitely voting for McCain. That's not unusual in this particular area of Fairfax County. I chalked it up to money trying to protect money (sad but true). BUT - the other three houses not only contained families of Obama voters - they were families who had also voted early in-person absentee and went solidly for the entire Democratic ticket.
It was after that McLean canvass that I started to get super excited. Sunday saw me doing Alexandria. I particularly loved this canvass because I was able to take along a first-time volunteer who wanted to tag along with someone who knew how to canvass. Our first neighborhood was in Alexandria around the Masonic Temple (if you're familiar with the area, the masonic Temple is a well-known landmark). On our way over, I had a chance to speak with my new volunteer, Nico. Nico isn't a US citizen. He's here on a work visa finishing an advanced degree in astro-physics. I asked him why he felt the need to volunteer. His answer (which I'll paraphrase) was really interesting.
NICO: "I didn't have a strong opinion until the Republican Convention. When I watched McCain, I thought, 'this guy is crazy'. He scared me. What America does affects the rest of the world. In France, if we go along with whatever America has decided to do, we send people to war. And if we don't go along with it, we deal with the scorn of America. I figured I should do what I could to help Obama because I believe that he'll be good for the rest of the world."
Amen. About three doors into our canvass, after getting positive results, Nico was on fire. He was totally all about knocking on doors and talking to voters. It was really, really excellent. When we got back to the organizing location to fill in our tally sheet and turn in our packet, Nico pulled me aside and said, "We're doing another one, yes?". Yes. Ha. :) So off we went to the Del Rey area of Alexandria to get out that vote.
Monday was, without exception, one of the most awesome mobilizations I have ever seen. The goal was simple: place a door hanger on every single door across the state of Virginia where we had identified a lean or strong Obama voter. The door hangers gave the date of the election, provided some basic voting rights information, provided a number to call if the voter needed a ride or had other questions, and were stamped with the voter's specific polling location. Four shifts were scheduled to get it done. By the end of the second shift, every single door hanger had been distributed in Northern Virginia. Every. Single. One. The volunteer turnout was so massive that it was just done.
I wrote a diary earlier in the week about an "emergency" canvass we did late Monday - I won't go into the details here as you can read about it if you desire - but it made the day feel completely worthwhile and made the excitement build that much more.
I got up at 5:30 on election day. I brushed my teeth, threw on sweats, and rolled out to my polling location for the 6am open. It took me until almost 7am to actually cast my vote. I have NEVER seen the number of people I saw in line to vote in my 12 years of voting at this particular location. So although I was tired (Monday had been a late night - I went to a rally in Alexandria where they had a Jumbotron for us to watch Obama's Manassas rally), seeing the lines let me know that the final get-out-the-vote effort was critical.
I headed to Arlington. They were overwhelmed with volunteers. They asked if I would travel, and I told them I would (of course). They sent me to Dale City, in Prince William County. From there, they sent me out to canvass a predominantly Democratic area of medium-to-low income voters who don't always turn out. I did both a Pass 1 and Pass 2 canvass. A LOT of people were home. And of those people, about 75% had already voted and had voted for Obama. I could feel this victory.
After the canvass, I went quickly home - I phonebanked to other parts of Virginia via the web site, then changed my clothes and headed to the McLean Hilton, where Warner's victory party was to be held. It was actually a nail-biter, because Virginia didn't get called for Obama until about 11pm EST. When you looked at the results, McCain looked to be wildly ahead. I had my laptop and wireless card on me, so I pulled up the Virginia results site and saw that virtually NONE of the Democratic counties and cities had reported. I felt better, but we were all totally on edge. When Virginia fell, the whole election fell shortly thereafter.
So here's what's interesting about Virginia's numbers.
First, let's look at counties and cities that were won by Kerry in 2004 and also won by Obama in 2008 (2008 VA Presidential results can be found here. 2004 Presidential results can be found here - just use the drop-down box to select a particular city or county):
Look at how dramatically Obama improved over Kerry's numbers and how it came totally at the expense of John McCain. A M A Z I N G.
But here's one that's even more amazing. I pared down my list to those counties/cities that McCain picked up over 2004 vs. those Obama picked up over 2004. LOOK at this (Sorry - I intended to edit out Arlington in the second chart and now that it's a JPG, I can't remove it):

Obama picked up NINETEEN counties and cities over Kerry in 2004. NINETEEN. There were only EIGHT cities or counties - two of which are above - where Obama lost ground compared to Kerry's 2004 margin, win or lose. So what I'm saying is - even where Obama lost in a particular city or county, he did so by gaining over Kerry's 2004 performance at the expense of John McCain.
Obama won Virginia, at the end of the day, by 6.25% (link). Kerry lost Virginia to Bush by 8.2% (link). That's a 14.45% swing in four years.
The shock and awe, of course, started with the candidate himself. But really - credit is due to the impressive nature of the organization in Virginia and the selfless, repeated efforts by thousands of volunteers who showed up again and again.
Personal closing note: I really had intended to write this diary on Wednesday. Unfortunately, at 10:30am on Wednesday, I found out that I am likely to be laid off next week. My whole group is being dissolved. So, if you can spare some good thoughts, karma, prayers, whatever - I'd surely appreciate it!Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, Barack Obama
posted by RenaRF at 9:48 PM

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When a day appears as the day of happiness, suddenly turns into a completely different story. Nobody expected death on the day of love, but “Bloody Valentine” has made everyone stunned with this expected. Life has really its own pathway, indeed. That’s the one “Bloody Valentine” describes. Visit for more details.
Some movies are very must close to our heart, and we wish to keep them forever. Without having to visit the theatres again and again, we prefer to experience them whenever we want to. Movie collections in terms of CD, VCD, DVD, Blue Bay formats let us do that. Visit for more details.
“The Obamas” by Peter Firstbrook is the essaying of the background that Barack Obama and his ancestors used to have. This is a biographical approach that makes the reader understand the roots, and history behind the Obama family. A click at will reveal all the details.
Experience matures a person. But all experience has to come at the right time. Childhood is about fun and play, but its not so for Danny in “The Dare” by John Boyne. At the mere age of 12, he faces the brutal world outside him, and still dares to face it to save his family. Visit 9780552775762 to experience his story.
Experience matures a person. But all experience has to come at the right time. Childhood is about fun and play, but its not so for Danny in “The Dare” by John Boyne. At the mere age of 12, he faces the brutal world outside him, and still dares to face it to save his family. Visit 9780552775762 to experience his story.
Translated books earn more readerships than the original versions. Plenty of books are there that already earned the status of best sellers, and that’s the reason they are the top priority for translation purpose. RightBooks.In has gathered them all in its Tamil specific segment. One click at will land the visitor there.
It’s always better to have information from the references. Reference books give us the additional information, and this information is essential for our knowledge base. For practical application of the subject like engineering, it’s the knowledge that is crucial. Collections at are just capable of delivering you that knowledge that you were looking for.
Just like light and darkness exist together, the good and evil forces stay inside human psychology. The dark side is not the one that acts always, but when it unleashes, the thin line between right and wrong diminishes. The concerned person forgets everything, and is completely driven by the wrong pathway. Visit to know how it changed the life of Kevin Dodd.
When one opts for buying the entertainment package for a kid, it’s the quality that matters. Quality and functionality are somewhat assured in case of branded items. RightToys.In has brought a Toyland for kids belonging to all the age groups, comprised with all the offerings from the leading toy makers. A visit to will bring all the info.
Toys have a special term with kids that are beyond understanding of a common man. People just see that a kid is happy with toys. What they can’t see is that the kid considers the toys as the pals. Toys are the non-living objects, but for the kids, it’s the liveliest friends that a childhood could ever have. Collections at describes this perfectly.
Bengali is regarded as one of the sweetest languages in this world. This is the language that is owned by millions of people all over the world. And this has prompted RightBooks.In to offer its book collections in Bengali. One can move to for more informative details.
Your perfumes, jus like your dressing style, reveal your true colors for fashion statements. No matter whether a branded one or non-branded one, it should just like your mood. When your are sporty, or when having a great time at the dancing floor, or a romantic evening with your sweetheart, on each event you are in different mood. Likewise your perfume choice should also vary. Visit for details.
Gifts are the express highways to the hearts of your close relations. Gifts let your loved relations feel special on the special occasion, courtesy the heartfelt feeling your heart holds, embedded into the gifts. Gifts are the ones that you will never be tiered of buying. Visit today and surprise your near and dear ones.
Your Rakhi threads symbolize the eternal togetherness; your Rakhi Puja thalis mark your best wishes for rest of the lives of your siblings. This festival is something that will make your presence felt among siblings forever. Visit for more details.
All on a sudden the ambience of your loved ones turn beautiful like never before, because you have conveyed your presence to them. Gifts symbolize your affection and passion for them, and they heartwarmingly recall you yet again. Visit for more details.
Gifts bring additional enjoyment to the celebrations. It reflects the perfect accent to the occasions, and lifts the receiver to cloud nine in no time. No matter what you present, it seizes the hearts of your loved siblings in India. Come to and relish a treasured shopping.
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The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
Exposure before puzzles, number sequencing, and alphabetic orders are the modern approaches of a kid's learning process. These new approaches are responsible for the mental development of a kid. More and more toy manufacturing companies are designing their respective products based on these modern approaches. RightToys.In has gathered them all, and look inside will give the visitor the details.
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When one knows about the availability of the network presence, gift sending becomes easier. The location details deal with the facts like the delivery issues, timings, and delivery related pros and cons etc. These details help the buyer plan the sending operation. One can meet for further details.
Your perfumes, jus like your dressing style, reveal your true colors for fashion statements. No matter whether a branded one or non-branded one, it should just like your mood. When your are sporty, or when having a great time at the dancing floor, or a romantic evening with your sweetheart, on each event you are in different mood. Likewise your perfume choice should also vary. Visit for details.
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Electronic gadgets are really booming the modern day consumerism. With every day passing by, people are expecting more out of their electronic gadgets, and this observation has prompted the noted names in the trade to spend more time in the research and development. Gadgets are coming with newer features, and a visit to will bring on the detail info.
Toys make a child happy and active. When a toy is there, perhaps a kid will not ask for anything else. One has to remember that a kid has world of imagination to live in, and toys give access to that land of imagination, constructed with joy. That’s what a toy mean to a kid. One can make a trip to for further details.
Dolls are the ones that no kid can say no. It’s the inanimate toy that becomes friend with all kids, immaterial of the ages. Kids found themselves most comfortable with toys rather than any other persons; because this is the object goes well with their imagination world. Dolls form the invisible yet the most touching chemistry with a kid, and one can check* for them all.
Mobile boom is at its peak, and the mobile genre is getting rich in features day by day. Not just the traditional manufacturers, newer entrants in the mobile trade are also experimenting with the looks and features. It has certainly become the common man’s gadget by all means. One can visit to have the diverse varieties of mobile types.
Modern day watches have crossed the single utility purpose of time showing only a long ago. A watch is regarded as the reflection of the taste that the user flaunts, considered as the perfect companion while celebrating a particular event. To cut it short, a watch is the inseparable part of the daily life, and it shows the attitude of the user. Fashion consciousness with a touch of individuality is what a watch shows, and RightGadgets.In has gathered them all for you. Just a trip to takes you there.
Before the conventional education starts, one has to groom the kids with basics of education. Methods like puzzling testing, funny games, letter sequencing are the modern day techniques that enhances the IQ level of the kid. Education is fun to experience, and that’s what one will experience upon visiting* for kid education specific items.
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The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
People often ignore kitchen appliances in comparison with other home appliances. But a kitchen appliance like Refrigerator or Water Purifier is no lesser important that the furniture, as far as the interior beauty is concerned. It's really gorgeous stuffs at to enhance the beauty of the home.
When to connect a kid's world, its toys that give the instant access there. Toys are the best pals for a kid immaterial of age. They play with toys, interacts with the toys with their own language and expression. Not necessarily you are understand them all, the innocent smile that your kid will put on will be answer. Visit for more details.
Utility toys are conceptualized with the aim to develop the mental progress of a growing child. Toys from Fisher Price is just synonymous with this essential criteria.. Kids, without having to stress themselves, in no time, gets the fundamental learning exposure. Amazing, can sound magical, but true. That’s the one at awaits you.
Laptop genre is experiencing a real boom, and clearly Sony is leading that revolutionary movement. This is the brand that has changed the so-called concept of laptop specifications and operations. RightGadgets.In lets you experience this heat, and is the link the link to visit.
Mobile boom is at its peak, and the mobile genre is getting rich in features day by day. Not just the traditional manufacturers, newer entrants in the mobile trade are also experimenting with the looks and features. It has certainly become the common man’s gadget by all means. One can visit to have the diverse varieties of mobile types.
The buzz in the electronic sector called I-Pad is really going strong. This is the gadget that everyone’s wishing to have. Not just its features, not just its looks, not just its utility solely; this Apple presentation is really something very very special for its overall package. The visitor can have this gadget innovation at*&brand=Apple at numerous price ranges and models.
Gifts are the projectors of your emotions. No matter how far you are from your loved terms, just a simple gift can put the lights on the dejected faces of them, who have been missing your presence on their special day. A gift actually brings your inner self before them. Visit for details.
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Cool looking office gadgets automatically motivate an employee to work more sincerely. Office gadgets are meant to make the office works smoother, but the stuffs that Epson has in store gives something additional. Its stylish, and ease of functionality, lesser power consumption, has made this gadget class a top priority for the users. One can look inside for further details.
Mobiles that Intex has launched have its own characteristic featuring. And Intex is the name that keeps the mobile freaks amazed with its outstanding featuring products and models. Models with all the latest facilities and features are what Intex always keeps marinating. A look inside will give full idea of the Intex offers.
Samsung mobiles are creating quiet a chirp among the mobile shoppers. The reasons are simple. All the quality features, stunning designs, marvelous finish; all at reasonable prices, and that’s the one kept the mobile shoppers interested in Samsung collections. One can drive to for more details.
Reliability and compatibility of the systems, and sustained servicing over time are the flagship features of Dell products. This is one of the few brands that have combined style with functionality with equal elegance. The brand equity was earned through the fabulous assembling of the essential working features, and that’s the reason it is the brand with huge demand. Watch out for more details.
Now its time to turn to kitchen places. And when you are looking to cater this place with extra care, it’s the quality appliance range that should be your first priority. Electrolux is just that for you. Visit for more.
Apple is parallel with outstanding quality. Any offering from Apple is capable enough to make the buyer assured of the utility. Although belonging to a higher price level, but the quality compensates the price. Look inside for Apple MacBook series.
Lava is really lashing on the mobile gadget trade. Being in new in the trade, this mobile gadget concern is concentrating upon quality; in fact the quality is the USP for their matter of concern. Its the Lava genre that is all about, for the clients visit.
Mobiles that Intex has launched have its own characteristic featuring. And Intex is the name that keeps the mobile freaks amazed with its outstanding featuring products and models. Models with all the latest facilities and features are what Intex always keeps marinating. A look inside will give full idea of the Intex offers.
Reliability and compatibility of the systems, and sustained servicing over time are the flagship features of Dell products. This is one of the few brands that have combined style with functionality with equal elegance. The brand equity was earned through the fabulous assembling of the essential working features, and that’s the reason it is the brand with huge demand. Watch out for more details.
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Sony, the name is enough to communicate not quality assurance, but quality guarantee. Quality and only quality, that’s the mantra this electronic giant believed. This belief is reflected in its offerings, and laptops are the prefect examples of them. Different from the rest in the rest, a winner on its own; its Sony sizzlers that glitter the link at
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Your precious moments deserved to be perceived more beautiful, when recalled again. Quality digital imaging is what that accelerates this feel, and the stuffs that Fuji has in place are all studded with these all. Something that is worth of appreciation is what is capable of generating, and the link at is the desired link.
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Reliability and compatibility of the systems, and sustained servicing over time are the flagship features of Dell products. This is one of the few brands that have combined style with functionality with equal elegance. The brand equity was earned through the fabulous assembling of the essential working features, and that’s the reason it is the brand with huge demand. Watch out for more details.
Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And the ever charming appeal in its gift stuffs that keeps delivering for your close acquaintances is just the right move that your celebration deserves.
Jewelries add to the glamour factor that uplifts the presence charm of an individual. It’s among the rare stuffs that are loved equally irrespective of genders. Indeed jewelries are something that completely results a change over the personality. Visit today.
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It’s just a piece of flower that can melt all the differences between you and loved pals. Flowers signify the cheerfulness and enjoyment of life, and perhaps that’s why it’s the most valued gift for human beings. With its fragrances, colorfulness, silently it states the message the heart wishes to explore. Stop at
for more details.
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Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And the ever charming appeal in its gift stuffs that keeps delivering for your close acquaintances is just the right move that your celebration deserves.
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Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And the ever charming appeal in its gift stuffs that keeps delivering for your close acquaintances is just the right move that your celebration deserves.
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Not always one can visit the beauticians. Instead, a little bit care on oneself can make an individual attractive enough. Personal care products do possess the rare combination of utility as well as style. The link at takes the visitor to that utility rich product genre.
Not always one can visit the beauticians. Instead, a little bit care on oneself can make an individual attractive enough. Personal care products do possess the rare combination of utility as well as style. The link at takes the visitor to that utility rich product genre.
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Celebrations and events bring you the opportunity not just to discover the meaning of relations in your life. In fact, it gives you the opportunity to accessorize the relations as well. And the ever charming appeal in its gift stuffs that keeps delivering for your close acquaintances is just the right move that your celebration deserves.
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Flowers are the silent and classy messengers of human emotions. And special flowers and gifts let your heart feel the importance of your relations, without being loud. Hook up to for a fruitful search for quality gifts.
Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. visit giftwithlove dot com(Online Florists).
Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From
It is the accessory that represents the attitude of an individual, something in a Titan way. It’s the time passage that needs the stylish displaying mode, and Titan is, undoubtedly a master in it. The link at supports it completely.
Gifts do have the magic creation ability in your celebration mode. In the form of exciting and enticing foodstuffs, beverages, combo hampers, your event is about to get the perfect match. is responsible for that, and is your link to visit.
Lovely ways of celebrating the Christmas is all spread for the shoppers. With the spectacular innovations to bring the festivity, gift offerings from are sure to make a difference like never before. Meet the surprise, all at awaiting your visit.
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