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The Gross National Debt

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ok - first, I have no objection to the term "Christmas tree". I have a Christmas tree in my house. It's not a holiday tree, it's a Christmas tree. Personally, I think over-zealous political correctness hurts the progressive cause. For whatever reason, a need to call it a "Holiday tree" seems to be associated with liberals and progressives. I am a liberal progressive Democrat and I won't trifle with Christmas terminology. I care about religion in government - I don't think the Ten Commandments should be displayed on public grounds nor should children be required to recite "In God We Trust" or observe prayer in school. But too much political correctness hurts the overall cause, imo.

I've just finished putting up all of my Christmas decorations. I put up a nice tree in my living room and I pull out a veritable superstore-full of lights and array them all over the front of my house. It takes me a full day and often longer and I expand and replace what's already there... I love to do it even though I haven't felt the "Christmas spirit" in quite a few years. The children in my neighborhood love it and it seems to heighten their excitement - that makes it worth it right there.

Last January my husband and I agreed that we would start a new Christmas tradition in our household. We would exhcnage only small, thoughful gifts with each other and would take the bulk of the money we would have spent and go buy blankets and surplus jackets and distribute them to the homeless in Washington, DC. We intend to stand by that. We want to embody the season and that, for us, entails giving. It has made the decorating this year that much more meaningful. I'll try to blog our efforts as the holiday grows closer. I also have a rather major post planned for this week but it's requiring a lot of research and effort and is not something I can put up quickly. As always, I appreciate those who stop by and read whatever I have on my mind.

posted by RenaRF at 4:33 PM 3 comments


Blogger G_in_AL said...

Are you a Christian? Your ideas about Christmas "We would exhcnage only small, thoughful gifts with each other and would take the bulk of the money we would have spent and go buy blankets and surplus jackets and distribute them to the homeless in Washington, DC." would suggest so, but one not need faith to do the right thing. Asking out of curiosity, and perhaps later for discussion purposes in the topics of this post.

9:57 AM  
Blogger RenaRF said...

Yes I am. My father is a disenfranchised Catholic (very disenfranchised) and my mother was raised Methodist but is a borderline atheist. They always left it up to me to decide what I would believe and how I would live and Christianity is where I've fallen, though I would say that I don't associate with a particular church or organized religion.

10:36 AM  
Blogger utenzi said...

My ex-wife is Jewish and on that side of the fence the trees are referred to as Chanukah Bushes, when in the homes of other Jews. I've always been fond of that term--must be the cynic in me.

12:04 PM  

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